Denture Stability Using Mini-Dental Implants

Jun 19, 2014 | 0 comments

  • Tired of using denture adhesive?
  • Denture loose?
  • Unable to eat hard food?
  • Food getting caught under your denture?
  • Denture floating or moving around when talking?
  • Sore spots from denture rubbing?

You may be interested to know about a procedure that can easily secure your denture. It is a very non-invasive procedure that involves gently placing mini-implants into the jaw bone. Almost all denture patients are candidates, even diabetic patients who would not be able to have traditional implants placed because that procedure is much more involved and the healing process in much longer.

After a minimal amount of anesthesia is administered, the mini implants, which are actually tiny titanium screws, are placed into the jawbone. The denture is then retro-fitted with a metal housing that seats right over the top of the implant. The total procedure takes approximately sixty minutes, and it gives immediate stabilization to the denture.

This new technology, which is significantly less expensive than traditional implants, eliminates the mobility of the denture. You will see immediate results in your ability to:

    • Eat a healthier diet, by being able to chew better!
    • Easier to speak with out the denture moving around!
    • More confident smiling!

Eliminate the use of messy adhesives!

If you are interested, please call our office today and ask to set up an appointment for an examination and consultation to discuss your options. For more information you can also go directly to the manufactures website,