Post-Op Root Canal Therapy

Dental Surgery

What To Expect

When Root Canal Therapy is performed on a tooth, the nerve, blood, and nutrient supply to the tooth, as well as some hard tissue, are removed. This causes the tooth to become brittle and prone to fracture. A crown is needed to prevent the tooth from breaking.


After the Procedure

In the meantime, AVOID nuts and hard, crunchy food that could break the remaining tooth structure.

While you are still anesthetized, AVOID eating and drinking in the area, as you may bite your lip or tongue

You may experience some discomfort on the tooth that has been treated. This may last between 3-7 days. Some swelling in the affected area is unlikely but possible.

Please continue any medication that was prescribed, unless otherwise instructed by the doctor. A temporary filling will be used to seal the access in the tooth. This material may chip or wear away. It is only a problem if it becomes uncomfortable for you. If this happens, we can adjust this for you to make you more comfortable.

Schedule your next appointment for the final restoration.

Remember, if you have any questions or concerns regarding your treatment, please do not hesitate to contact our office.