Post-Op Crowns and Bridges

Caring for Your Temporary Crown or Bridge
Following the initial appointment for a crown or bridge procedure, a provisional temporary crown or bridge is usually placed on the tooth or teeth involved.
Occasionally, a temporary crown or bridge may come off. Call us if this happens, and bring the temporary with you so we can re-cement it. It is very important for the temporary to stay in place, as it will protect your teeth from shifting or moving, which may compromise the fit of the final restoration.
After the Procedure
To keep your temporaries in place, AVOID eating sticky foods (including gum) and hard foods. If possible, chew on the opposite side of your mouth. It is important to brush normally, but floss carefully.
We recommend that you pull the floss through the side of your teeth around the temporary because pulling upward on the floss may dislodge the temporary crown or bridge. After the appointment, it is normal to experience some temperature and pressure sensitivity with the tooth that was crowned, as well as with the adjacent teeth.
The sensitivity should decrease in the next few days following the appointment. If the sensitivity does not improve, or if you feel like your bite has been compromised, please contact the office to schedule an appointment to check the bite and evaluate the temporary crown or bridge.