SomnoMed® Oral Appliances for Sleep Apnea
Dr. Billings uses SomnoMed Oral Appliances to treat sleep apneaSleep Apnea is prevalent in our society. More and more adults have been complaining of snoring and/or not getting enough quality sleep.
Dr. Billings uses SomnoMed Oral Appliances to treat sleep apneaSleep Apnea is prevalent in our society. More and more adults have been complaining of snoring and/or not getting enough quality sleep.
DentalVibe® is a revolutionary, patented, award-winning device invented by a dentist that uses vibration to block the sensation of pain. So when you get a shot, you don’t feel it. DentalVibe is gentle, fast, and safe. There are no pills to take, no gas to inhale, no drowsy after-effects to worry about. Also ideal for children, DentalVibe has child size tips and offers animal finger puppets, allowing children to enjoy their time more while having a procedure performed. Watch Video >>
Are you one of the millions of adults in need of adult braces who are unhappy, self-conscious or even embarrassed of your smile?